Liturgy & Events Schedule

See below for first-time visitor instructions

Divine Liturgy Schedule:

Sunday, December 15
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Sunday, September 22
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, December 24:  Christmas Eve
9:30-10:30 a.m. 1st & 3rd Royal Hours
12:00-1:00 p.m. 6th & 9th Royal Hours
3:15 p.m. The Jesus Prayer in Silence
3:30 p.m. Vespers & Divine Liturgy of St. Basil

Wednesday, December 25:  Christmas Day
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Sunday, December 29


Wednesday, January 1:  The Circumcision of the Lord & St. Basil the Great
11:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Sunday, January 5:  Theophany Eve
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy
2:45 p.m. Jesus Prayer in Silence
3:00 p.m. Vespers & Great Blessing of Water

Monday, January 6:  Theophany
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Sunday, January 12
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Thursday, January 16:  Veneration of the Chains of St. Peter
11:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Sunday, January 19
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Sunday, January 26
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Upcoming Events:

The Bridegroom's Appeal
Now through the end of the Year
Instead of our annual benefit dinner, just for this year
See the Bridegroom’s Appeal tab for more information

The Bridegroom’s Banquet 2025
November 1, 2025
Annual Benefit Dinner
Parma, Ohio

Preparing for your visit to our chapel:

General instructions:
Guests are very welcome to come and pray with us in our chapel. You may be surprised to find that there are no pews in the middle of the chapel. This is a Byzantine tradition, as most of our prayers are done standing. (There are also historical reasons for the introduction of pews into many churches in the 14th Century). You will find benches on the outer perimeter of the chapel. You are welcome to sit down if you need to, but if you are able-bodied and someone elderly or infirm needs to sit on a bench, please offer them your seat. It is acceptable to sit on the floor. If you are able to stand, and a priest or nun are incensing or processing around the chapel, please move to the middle of the chapel to leave the perimeter open for them. Please refrain from conversations in the chapel and keep all non-essential conversations to the narthex (vestibule).

We have small taper candles in the vestibule of the chapel. Please feel free to light a candle by the icon of Jesus or the Theotokos for your intentions during Matins, Vespers, or Divine Liturgy. You can light a candle at any time during the service, but please know that at the end of the service the candles are blown out as a fire-safety precaution. Your candle will be relit at the next service.

Matins, Vespers, Hours, Compline:
You will be invited by a nun to come up to the cantor stand to follow along and pray the services with us. You are invited to sing the services with the nuns, but please listen for the cantor and follow along as best as you can. If you prefer, you are also always welcome to just listen. If there is a large group and special inserts have been made, these will be given to you before the service begins. During Matins and Vespers there is often a prolonged chanting of the Psalms called the Kathisma, and it is customary to sit during this section. The Hours are primarily chanted by an individual nun. We have booklets for Compline, so you are welcome to stand or sit anywhere in the nave of the church for this service.

Divine Liturgy:
There is usually a nun available to help you before the Liturgy begins, however this is not always possible and it may be helpful for you to have some basic instructions before you arrive. There are books in the vestibule of the chapel, as well as instructions on a cork board. You will want to take a Divine Liturgy book as well as a Marian Hymnal, and any special insert on the shelf. You are welcome to receive the Eucharist if you are a Catholic who has been properly prepared. The Eucharist is distributed in both species on a spoon. When you come forward to receive the Eucharist, please come very close to the priest, say your name, and open your mouth wide and tilt your head back. Please do not stick out your tongue or close your mouth on the spoon. After the Liturgy, blessed bread will be distributed, which you are welcome to receive even if you are not Catholic.

Arriving late:
If you arrive in our chapel and there is a service already ongoing, please feel very welcome to come and join us. You are not disturbing the service, we are glad to welcome you.