
Monday, March 14, 2011

First Newsletter Coming Soon!...Can You Help?

We hope that you had a blessed first week of the Great Fast.  Ours was very prayerful, with some beautiful Liturgies of the Presanctified Gifts. 

We are also working diligently on the production of our first newsletter.  The first one, I think, is always the most difficult!  But we are very happy with how it is taking shape, and we are excited to share it with you.  We have two questions for you:

  1. If you are in the area, are you able to join us for our "mailing party" on Saturday, March 26?  We need some help folding, stuffing, labeling and sealing the newsletter so that we can get it in the mail!  We promise it will be fun!  The day begins at 10 a.m., includes lunch, and ends at 3 p.m. (or before, if we finish sooner!)  Please RSVP to by Wednesday, March 23.
  2. Would you like to be on our mailing list?  If so, please send your mailing address to by Wednesday, March 23.  (Or after this date--we'll get you on the list before the next newsletter.)  If you would prefer to receive the newsletter by email, you may indicate that.

As we enter deeper into this Lenten desert, may we strive to continually empty ourselves in order to be filled to overflowing with the presence of God!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sr. Julie,
    The blog looks wonderful and is so full of good information! I was wondering whether you would be selling online the blueberry preserves I sampled at Phil and Lindsay Frye's house this week.


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