
Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Third Blogiversary!


I've been thinking for a couple weeks now (usually at a time that I am not near a computer) that I should take a look at the date of our first blog post, because I figured it was about this time of year.  Today I was walking by the office, and the inspiration struck me in the forehead: "Check it NOW!"  And, guess what?  Our first post was on March 2, 2009!  IT'S OUR THIRD BLOGIVERSARY!  (Jessie thought she made up the word, but no, someone made it up already.  Sorry Jessie.)

Wow, we've really grown since then!  Thanks to all of our faithful readers!  We hope we have kept you up to date on the progress of the formation of our monastery, informed you about our upcoming events, and most importantly, brought you closer to Christ in some small way as we share some of the fruits of our ever-deepening relationship with Him.  We have some new ideas for our blog in this coming year...but we'll keep you guessing.

Our third anniversary of moving into the monastery will be on April 3.  May God bless all those who have helped us to persevere this far!  Please keep praying for us!

1 comment:

  1. Sr. Julie:
    [May] God grant you, Jesse, and Mother Theodora many years. It is wonderful to see the growth and changes at your monastery from afar. This version is almost as good as having my dad sing it, so I think it will suffice:


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