We were so excited to see things clean and talk about the potential of the building that we spent the rest of the day finishing the cleaning, moving over some used furniture that had been donated and making a list of some of the additional furnishings that we will need.
Unfortunately, we forgot to take pictures while the women were here, but here's one from later in the day with Mother and Sr. Gabriella's mom, Cathy, bringing a sense of holiness into the house by hanging up an icon!
Please pray that the repairs and furnishing will go smoothly (especially with the plumbing!) so that we will soon be able to expand our hospitality to overnight guests and retreatants! In the future we will let you know in what other ways you can help us to make this vision a reality!
How wonderful to see the Monastery growing, a little bit at a time! We will pray for the intercession of St. Vincent Ferrer for your plumbing success (he's the patron saint of plumbers...who knew?). We hope to come & visit in the spring. God bless!