Our makeshift "habit" in our early days! |
Five years ago today, on April 3, 2009, Mother Theodora and Sister Cecilia moved into the monastery, with drywall dust still hanging in the air due to the ongoing renovation projects! Prior to this move, they had been living and praying together for a short time at the empty rectory at St. John's Byzantine Catholic Church in Solon, Ohio. But on April 3 they moved into the monastery which had been donated to them by Sr. Flora and Sr. Adalberta, the Social Mission Sisters who formerly lived there for many years. So we celebrate this day as the beginning of our monastery!
We are overflowing with gratitude today for all of God's blessings in these past five years! Many of these blessings have come through you, our family, friends and benefactors! Thank you for seeing potential in our small and humble efforts and for your continued support and prayers!
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary & many years to you!
ReplyDeleteSister Janet, er. dio.
Beit Mery Hermitage
Hermit of the Diocese of Yakima
Yakima, Washington
I thought of you Sisters & how vital your presence is to the Church when I read this wonderful article:
ReplyDeleteMysticism, Monasticism, and the New Evangelization
The New Evangelization requires a rediscovery of Christian mysticism, and a revival of the monastic setting which is its natural home