
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Happy Feast of the Ascension! (Live from the NEW Mumford Road!)

Yesterday Mumford Road got a fresh coat of asphalt.  During vespers (evening prayer) for the feast, as we could hear the "beep beep beep" of construction vehicles, Sr. Gabriella chanted the second Old Testament reading:
"Thus says the Lord: Pass through, pass through the gates, prepare the way for the people; build up the highway, clear it of stones, raise up a standard over the nations..." (Isaiah 62).
We laughed at the perfect timing!  But also, how good it was to reflect on the way to heaven that Jesus paved for us by His Resurrection and Ascension!  On this great feast, we reflect on the fact that Jesus took our human nature with Him to heaven!  Think about that for a minute!  Wow!

At Matins (morning prayer) we sang:
"You descended from heaven to the earth, O Christ, and by Your Ascension You wondrously raised up the race of Adam which had been lying in the depths of the prisons of Hades.  And having taken our nature back to heaven, You seated it with You on the Father's throne because of Your mercy and Your love for all" (Sessional Hymn).
We hope that you'll have a smoother driving experience the next time you come to visit us!

1 comment:

  1. What Providence! :) Offering prayers for good weather for tomorrow's work day...we wish we could be there!


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