
Thursday, May 8, 2014

"The mother of saints"

May 8 is best known in the Byzantine Church as the feast of St. John the Theologian,  but did you know that it is also the feast of a saint often known as "the mother of saints?" Her name is St. Emilia, and she is our dokimos (postulant) Jacqui's patron saint.

The Prologue of Ohrid states: "St. Emilia gave birth to nine children and inspired them with the Spirit of Christ to such an extent that five of them became Christian saints: Basil the Great; Gregory of Nyssa; Peter, Bishop of Sebaste; Macrina and Theosevia.  In her old age Emilia established a convent where she lived with her daughter Macrina.  There she reposed in the Lord on May 8, 375."

We want to honor our mothers today, especially since we are close to Mother's Day, and thank them for all they have done and continue to do to inspire us to love God and to give our lives to Him!  We ask St. Emilia to intercede for them, and we offer the witness of St. Emilia to all mothers.  Perhaps she can become a good friend and intercessor for you as you seek to raise your children to love God.  Even if your children are no longer under your roof, may she pray with you for their holiness and salvation!  Perhaps they too will become saints through your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Feast Day Jacqui...and Happy Mother's Day to all you spiritual mothers! We look forward to hearing about the trip to Rome for the canonizations!


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