The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not just for the privileged few. When God asked Moses to assemble seventy elders of Israel (see a prefigurement of the seventy disciples of Jesus?) so that He could give them some of the spirit which He had given Moses, two of these chosen seventy were left behind in the camp. Yet the spirit came upon these two men also, and they prophesied in the camp. Joshua told Moses to stop them, but Moses said,
"Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! Would that the Lord might bestow His spirit on them all!" (This story is from the 1st reading at Vespers for the Feast of Pentecost: Numbers 11:16-17, 24-29)
In the 2nd reading at Vespers (Joel 2:23-3:2), the Lord says to Joel, "Then afterward
I will pour out My spirit upon all mankind. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions; even upon the servants and the handmaids, in those days, I will pour out My spirit."
The power of the Holy Spirit is given to more than just the leaders of the Church. The Holy Spirit is given to every Christian, by our baptism and chrismation (confirmation). We prophesy by the power of the Holy Spirit when we are attentive enough to hear Him speaking to our heart and we share this message and allow it to transform our life. This is a
powerful gift that will set the world on fire!
Because of the Holy Spirit, we don't have to be afraid of our weaknesses. At Vespers for the Feast of Pentecost, we pray:
"The Holy Spirit provides every gift: He inspires prophecy and perfects the priesthood; He grants wisdom to the illiterate, makes simple fishermen become wise theologians, and establishes perfect order in the assembly of the Church. Therefore, O Comforter, equal in nature and majesty with the Father and the Son, O Lord, glory to You!" (Stichera at Vespers)
In the Eparchy of Parma, we are preparing for our upcoming Eparchial Assembly. We have all been asked to renew our life of prayer in order to individually and communally discern how the Holy Spirit is speaking to and leading our Church. It is not up to the
leaders alone to discern this; the prayer and openness of each one of us is necessary in order for the Church to hear the Holy Spirit and to be able to act. If you have been looking on this process from a distance, please begin now to pray and participate! (And if you are not a member of our eparchy, will you please pray for us and for the whole Church?)
Let's pray, this Pentecost, that we may open ourselves anew to the presence of the Holy Spirit within us and that His power may be renewed in us and in our Church.
Looking for something special to pray and reflect on for this feast? Check out the hymns in this vesper service for the evening of Pentecost, as well as the beautiful "kneeling prayers." Prepare to be blown away! (Ok, we had to throw in a cheesy Holy Spirit pun in here somewhere...)