
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Happy Pentecost, and thank you to our work day volunteers!

Weeding and landscaping the newly-named "Mount Theodora!"
A great group of volunteers joined us yesterday for our spring work day. The rain let up long enough in the afternoon to accomplish some outdoor projects, and we also attacked some indoor cleaning and moving. Some volunteers also helped with projects across the street at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mariapoch. There was plenty of mud for everyone to get sufficiently dirty!

In the evening, we prayed Vespers for the Feast of Pentecost and enjoyed dinner indoors! Thank you to all who gave of their time, energy, and love yesterday, and we send our love to all on this glorious Feast of Pentecost!

"In the days of old, pride brought confusion to the tongues of the builders of the Tower of Babel, but now the diversity of tongues enlightened the minds and gave knowledge for the glory of God. Then, God punished the impious for their sin; now, Christ enlightened fishermen through His Spirit. Then, confusion of tongues was for the sake of punishment; now, there was variety so that voices could be joined in harmony for the salvation of our souls" (Vespers Aposticha Doxastikon).

Mother Gabriella finishes a project outside and Fr. Cyril carries Pentecost decorations to the chapel

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we weren't able to make it up on Saturday! Can't wait to visit Mount Theodora! :)


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