
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Praying with the Psalms

Enjoy this short video about the psalms produced by the Eparchy of Parma and featuring some of us!

The Psalms from The Eparchy of Parma on Vimeo.


  1. I'm enjoying watching this video. I like it.
    For me, also are very important the Psalms of the Mother of God/Theotokos written by an monk from Athos's Mount in the 19th century. Them are like the Psalms of David but are dedicated to the Holly Mother.

  2. Nice variety of perspectives on how the psalms help us pray. I particularly appreciated the nun who said more than once that she doesn't know how to pray--I feel that way myself often and it is so good to know others do, too. One perspective that has helped me is the angry psalms (also called cursing psalms) that are no longer in the liturgy or lectionary (Roman Catholic, anyway). They are helpful to me in seeing that EVERY emotion, even those we seldom own up to, or feel embarrassed to admit, like a desire for revenge, is appropriate for prayer. As my teacher Walter Brueggeman used to say in class, "The best place for us to put these inevitable emotions is on God's desk. He knows how to deal with them, and voicing them in prayer helps keep us from acting them out upon our neighbor." Thanks for the video, Sisters and Eparchy of Parma. I hope this is the first of many@


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