We're getting ready! Our 10th annual Girls Camp will take place this Thursday through Sunday, June 21-June 24. Please pray for us and for the participants! Our theme is "Apart from Me you can do nothing."
Also, please pray for the Boys Camp that will take place at the same time across the street at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mariapoch.
Last month, we spent an afternoon with our dear sisters from the formation house of the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. We didn't plan on it, but the video below is the result of our time of recreation together! We ended up writing a parody to the song "Hello" by the singer Adele. We enjoyed pointing out the fact that the Mercedarian Sisters are from the Western (Roman Catholic) Tradition and live on the west side of Cleveland, and we from the Eastern Tradition live to the east of Cleveland! It is a joy to have sisters from another tradition with whom we can share our experiences, joys and struggles. This sharing is always enriching. For a while now, we and the Mercedarians have been joking that the Mercedarians, who wear white, are the cream to our Oreo cookie :) Enjoy!