
Saturday, March 30, 2019

10th Anniversary Countdown: 2013

Answers from yesterday:
2014 Photo #1: In St. Peter's Square, during the canonization of St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII, Mother Cecilia holds up the monastery copy of St. John Paul's Apostolic Letter "Orientale Lumen" (Light of the East), which inspired the foundation of our monastery. What a grace to be present for the canonization of this saint who has been such an inspiration and help to us in our monastic journey!
2014 Photo #2: Mother Gabriella and Mother Cecilia enjoy some winter recreation during the observership (extended time of discernment) of Sr. Natalia (then Victoria), in the red snowsuit! There isn't much of a hill at the shrine, so sledding wasn't very successful...

Countdown: 5 days! Remembering the year 2013:

2013 Photo #1
2013 Photo #2
"Blessed are they who give the flower of their days, and their strength of soul and body to Him; blessed are they who in their youth turn to Him who gave His life for them, and would fain give it to them and implant it in them, that they may live forever."
--Bl. John Henry Newman (quote submitted by Sr. Petra)

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