
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Today is our 10th anniversary!

Today finishes up our 10th anniversary countdown! On April 3, 2009, Mother Theodora (then Sr. Celeste) and Mother Cecilia (then Julie) moved into our monastery, and even though the journey began a little while before that day, it really took root and began to grow on that day. We are so grateful to God for all the blessings of these 10 years, and also for all the many painful struggles, because they have made us into who we are, drawn us deeper into the heart of God, and made us more closely resemble our Bridegroom. Please pray for us that we may grow in ever greater faithfulness and trust of Him. We hold all of your intentions and needs in our hearts.

We hope that these past 10 days you have enjoyed our little selection of mostly-unpublished photos from the past 10 years! We have enjoyed looking through them! On this final day of our countdown, we won't make you wait until tomorrow to find out what these photos are about. God bless you!

2009 Photo #1: Mother Theodora (then Sr. Celeste, on the right) & Mother Cecilia (then Julie, on the left), move in to the monastery, April 3, 2009

2009 Photo #2: Our first "public appearance," selling lemonade at the Eparchy of Parma's 40th Anniversary Celebration

Answers from yesterday:
2010 Photo #1: Post-it Notes line our old living room after a day of "five year planning," while God was probably chuckling at us for our attempts to "make plans!" Not many of those plans came to fruition in the way we imagined!
2010 Photo #2: Mother Theodora and Mother Cecilia taking a walk on a snowmobile trail in the woods behind the shrine.

"I love You my Bridegroom; I seek you with painful longing."
--Troparion of a woman martyr (quote submitted by Mother Theodora)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary, dear Mothers & Sisters! May God grant you many more years in loving service to the Bridegroom!


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