
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Filming our Bridegroom's Banquet video

David Bratnick setting up his video camera
It's filming day at the monastery for this year's video for the Bridegroom's Banquet! This year, the topic of the video is "Spiritual Motherhood." In this approximately 15-minute video, the four "Mothers" in the monastery will explain what a spiritual mother is, why spiritual motherhood is important, etc., and two other people from outside the monastery will share about how they have been impacted by the spiritual motherhood of our monastery. David Bratnick, videographer for Horizons Media, is filming and editing this year's video.

We hope you can make it to the Bridegroom's Banquet on Saturday, October 19, in Brecksville, Ohio. This annual benefit dinner is a crucial source of funding for our monastic life and our needed renovations. Admission is free, but registration is required, by Oct. 7. All donations, up to $100,000, will be doubled!!! If you are not able to attend, your donation can still be doubled! Visit the banquet page to register or to find out how to donate.

To view past banquet videos, visit the About Us and Poustinia pages.

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