
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Save the Date for the Bridegroom's Banquet

Update: The in-person event has been canceled, but we will hold an online event. More information coming soon!

Save the date for our annual benefit dinner, the “Bridegroom’s Banquet,” on Saturday, November 7, at a new location: St. Elias Melkite Catholic Church in Cleveland. There is no cost to attend the dinner, but registration is required (by October 26). Adults 21 and older may attend. Enjoy a buffet dinner, entertainment, and an evening with us and our guests. Learn more about and support our life of prayer and hospitality. Donations given at the event or designated ahead of time will be doubled by matching donors! If an in-person event is not possible, a live online event may be held. More information and registration will be available in August.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all biological and spiritual fathers! Thank you for your fatherly love, in calm times and in crisis. Thank you for your strong and tender care and for being an image of the Father's love for us!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Spring/Summer Newsletter

We hope you enjoy the new issue of our newsletter, Pomegranate Blossoms. This issue shares the fruits of our reflection on the current pandemic situation, in the ways that it has affected the Church and as it has personally affected some of the nuns. We share photos that we received from families who benefited from our "Holy Week and Pascha in the Domestic Church" guide, ideas and resources for praying at home, book recommendations and personal reflections.
We hope you'll take some time to read it! God bless you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

New podcast begins with Sr. Natalia and Fr. Michael O'Loughlin

Sr. Natalia is the co-host of a new podcast that aired for the first time today, called "What God is Not."  Her co-host is Fr. Michael O'Loughlin, pastor of the Proto-Cathedral of St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church in Sherman Oaks, California, who formerly participated in the popular Catholic podcast "Catholic Stuff You Should Know," while he was pastor of Holy Protection Byzantine Catholic Church in Denver. Fr. Michael introduced many Roman Catholics to Eastern Catholicism on the "Catholic Stuff" podcast, and now he and Sr. Natalia have begun their own Byzantine podcast, with a conversational style. 

The title is a reference to apophatic theology, which is often used in the Eastern Churches to talk about God by saying what He is not rather than trying to use our limited language and understanding to define what He actually is. For example, words such as "immeasurable" and "incomprehensible" are used in the Liturgy. We hope you enjoy the podcast!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Boys & Girls Camps Canceled

Sadly, we need to let you know that the Eparchy of Parma Boys and Girls Camps for the summer of 2020 have been canceled due to the pandemic. An online talk and discussion for teen girls may be scheduled for later in the summer. Check back here or visit for updates. Our hearts go out to all of the teens who had hoped to participate. We love you and we're praying for you! God is with you!