
Monday, October 5, 2020

Registration now open for our Virtual Bridegroom's Banquet, Nov. 7!

Dear friends,

Given the craziness of this year, it can bring a bit of serenity to know that some things are continuing ahead like they do every year – though with the typical COVID twist! We are glad to announce that even though we cannot meet in person, we are planning to make our annual Bridegroom’s Banquet a virtual event. We are very sad not to be with you and hug you! But we are with you in spirit, praying for you and holding you in our hearts. Despite the change, we are working hard to maintain many of the same aspects from previous years. The banquet will be held on Nov. 7 as a finale to a week of special virtual activities for everyone on our Facebook page. We invite you to join us as we live-stream Vespers (Evening Prayer) from our chapel and continue the evening with a prerecorded virtual program, including this year’s video, about spiritual fatherhood. We encourage everyone to register beforehand for the event. Everyone who registers before Oct. 25 will receive a small gift from us in the mail, and every 20th person who registers will receive an additional gift from us! Also, everyone who registers will be remembered once a month during Divine Liturgy at the monastery for the coming year. 

The event is absolutely free to all who participate, but we encourage each person to seek to understand what God may desire for him or her to give for the benefit of all those who experience the Bridegroom through our ministry at the monastery.

We continue to be blessed with a matching funds opportunity so that each person’s donation will be doubled, up to a total of $100,000! Those who are unable to attend can still make a donation that will be doubled. Please visit the event page for more information and to register.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support! Know of our frequent prayers for you! 

In the love of the Bridegroom,

Your Nuns
Christ the Bridegroom Monastery

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