
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Amazed by your generosity!

Even though times have been hard for many this year, our benefactors were more generous than ever! For our Bridegroom’s Banquet on Nov. 13, two matching donors pledged to match donations up to a total of $125,000! And what was also incredible was that those who donated and pledged toward the matching funds actually surpassed this amount: to about $145,000! 

We are overwhelmed by this outpouring of generosity, and knowing that it is not “our money” but that it belongs to the Church, we continue forward, keeping our monastery running as a place of prayer, keeping it open in hospitality, and moving forward with our plans to renovate our chapel, God-willing, in 2022. Some of the funds are also aimed for the improvement of the monastery grounds, in order to provide better hospitality and a more beautiful place of prayer.

The Bridegroom’s Banquet was a wonderful evening of fellowship, during which we premiered this year’s video, “Be poor with Me: reflections on poverty,” which begins a new series on the monastic virtues of poverty, chastity and obedience. The video is packed full of our reflections about spiritual poverty, which are fruits from our prayer and the living of monastic life, and we also explain that being “poor in spirit” is not only for monastics. We hope it will both challenge and encourage you. 

Also, enjoy these photos from the evening!

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