
Thursday, March 24, 2022

"And God Came Down" -- a poem by Mother Petra for Annunciation

"And God Came Down" -- a poem by Mother Petra

He saw the bondage

of His people in Egypt

and God came down

in a burning bush

to set them free,

promising Moses,

“I will be with you.”

He saw the oppression

of the youths in the furnace

and God came down

into the conflagration

with cooling dew,

assuring His faithful three,

“I am with you.”

He saw the affliction

of Mankind fallen

and God came down

to a Virgin’s womb,

burned yet not consumed,

proclaiming by the angel,

“I am with you.”


He sees the suffering

of His pilgrim Church

and God comes down

with tongues of fire

to each washed heart,

declaring to the end,

“I am with you.”


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