
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Thank you, Mother Theodora, for these fourteen years of leadership

After founding Christ the Bridegroom Monastery in 2009 and leading the monastic community in the role of hegumena (abbess) for fourteen years, Mother Theodora has discerned that the Lord has called her to step down from the position of hegumena. We trust her discernment and we ask for your prayers for her and for the monastery during this time of transition.

We are deeply grateful to Mother Theodora for her courage and faith in following God's call to found our monastery, and for all of the incredible work and love that she put into these first fourteen years. The monastery has grown tremendously during this time. She will now take a sabbatical (some time of rest) away from the monastery.

An election to fill the position of hegumena will be held in about three months. Until that time, Mother Cecilia, who is the protos of the monastery, is leading the community. 

We are grateful for your prayers and support for our monastic community, and we assure you that we carry you with us as we stand in the presence of God in prayer each day.

1 comment:

  1. Many years to Mother Theodora. Your zeal and work have provided a path for many. You have served Our Lord well. May he give you the rest you need.


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