
The Bridegroom's Appeal

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We have made a change to our benefit dinner for this year. Instead of an in-person Bridegroom’s Banquet, we will instead have the Bridegroom’s Appeal to request assistance for our financial needs. 


There are two main reasons for this temporary change. First, the facility we usually use for the banquet was in a time of transition this year, and they were unable to provide for our needs for the event (but we are grateful for their efforts to try!). Second, we are in the process of revising our typikon (rule of life) and preparing for the potential entrance of two young women later this year. Adding those responsibilities to our normal full schedule of prayer, work and hospitality has proved to be challenging, let alone preparing for our banquet!

What about next year?

We are disappointed to not share this beautiful evening with you this year, but we plan to return to the usual event next year. Please save the date of November 1, 2025, at the Astrodome Event Center in Parma, Ohio.

How can I donate?

If you feel called to support the Bridegroom’s Appeal, you can donate online, or you can mail a check to the monastery with “Bridegroom’s Appeal 2024” in the memo line. Those on our mailing list will receive a mailing with a return envelope. All donations through the end of the year, up to a total of $100,000, will be doubled! 

What will the funds be used for?

The funds raised through this appeal will support our life of prayer and hospitality and will also go towards future building projects such as a larger monastery building when the time comes, and more poustinias. 

What if I'm unable to donate?

Your time and talent can also benefit the monastery; we invite you to let us know about any of these offerings even if you are not able or called to make a financial gift. And finally, your prayers are the most important gift of all! You support us in our spiritual struggle, and in turn, we hope that the life in which we are upheld is a witness and gift to you.

Thank you so much for your generous support!

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